A Heart of Perfect Peace


“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

Proverbs 4:23

Read Proverbs 4

Heart graffitiI always thought grief was the range of emotions people went through after the death of loved one, or a traumatic loss. I couldn’t imagine that I was in grief. After all, it was eight months already since my brother died so, I didn’t think it was from that. Yet, I couldn’t explain my feelings. I had had my heart defibrillator for about a month when the feelings began.

Have you ever had feelings of emotional pain for what you think you’ve lost, but really, you haven’t lost anything? Our hearts lead our feelings; Proverbs 4:23 tells us everything we feel flows from it. My heart was impaired. Wow, it was even painful for me to say those words. Nothing hurts like a broken heart. That’s the premise of almost every good Country and Western song, right? Of course, those songs are talking about a metaphorical broken heart. But, what about when your heart begins to hurt physically? Can’t that mess with your mind too? You bet it can.

During Lent, we intentionally spend greater time in prayer, meditation and fasting to grow stronger spiritually as we get closer to Christ. The closer we grow to Him, the more the hidden desires of our hearts are revealed. Do we really want His will for our lives? What about what we’ve always wanted for our lives? And how about this one? Doesn’t the Bible say, “…He will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4) Yes it does. But, that is a promise only to those who “delight” themselves in the Lord.

To delight oneself in the Lord is to want for our lives, whatever He wants. If that means we must go through hard times and tragedies, we can rest knowing that while Jesus didn’t cause them, He will help us learn from them. The difficulties of life are either the result of our own making, or the consequence of living in a fallen world. Such difficulties leave us with wounded hearts. But, when we bring our hearts to Christ, He is always faithful to renew them. We must always surrender our hearts to whatever Jesus wants for our lives – no matter what.

In my case, I was depressed thinking of what I thought I’d lost, because I had to have a small electrical machine wired to my heart to keep it safe from its own genetic defect. Would I ever be the same again? Would I be able to play with my kids? And, what about growing old with my wife and being active for the grandkids I hoped to have some day? The doctor never told me I’d be missing out on any of those things. I assumed them. Like many of us, I assumed the worst.

I knew something was wrong with my feelings. I knew in my faith I should have peace of heart, but I didn’t. With the help of a new friend I met that year (Who was going through the same thing), I began to realize I was grieving. I feared accidentally doing something too strenuous for my heart that would cause my defibrillator to shock me. Of course, I knew that if I were shocked, that meant I’d have been dead without it. Suddenly I felt so mortal. What if it shocked me while I was driving, or perhaps while preaching? Our minds can conjure up all kinds of worries. But, once I admitted I was grieving for things I hadn’t even lost yet, I began to deal with it.

What about you? Are you grieving for something you haven’t even lost yet? Don’t let your heart hurt over things you can’t control. Jesus wants to bring peace to your heart. The prophet Isaiah promised the peace of Christ to all who will trust Him:

Thou dost keep him in perfect peace,
whose mind is stayed on thee,
because he trusts in thee.
Trust in the Lord for ever,
for the Lord God
is an everlasting rock.

Isaiah 26:3,4

Won’t you renew your heart today by bringing all your cares to Him? Let Jesus give you a heart of perfect peace. Hearts of Perfect peace trust the keeper of their heart for everything. 


Pastor Brad

My daily Lenten prayer – “Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
    and sustain in me a willing spirit. ” NRSV

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Raised From the Ashes: Week One, Thursday

“But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O men of little faith?”

Matthew 6:30

Read Matthew 6:27-33

Lent 2016 Daily Devotions-4

When I was a younger man I made my living as a Haberdasher. That’s a cool way of saying I was a retail, ‘clothing salesman’. I sold men’s suits for a living, expensive ones. I literally worried about what I was going to wear. After all, you only get one chance to make a good first impression and I was totally wrapped up in making sure people thought I was a success. Well, let’s just say I’ve grown a lot since then. I still think about those days. It was fun wearing all those expensive clothes. However, when it was all said and done, I didn’t feel ‘expensive’ on the inside.

What are you worried about?

You see, in those days I was worried about all the wrong things, superficial things like looks, and what other people thought of me. But, what I’ve grown to learn as a follower of Jesus is when you realize you’re a child of the King, you should realize how expensive you really are. God puts infinitely more value on you, than the flowers of field, which He adorns so beautifully. Yet, knowing that God treasures we humans as infinitely more valuable than the beauty of creation, we still worry about how our lives are going to turn out. Even in Bible days they worried. They worried about what to wear, what to eat, and how their lives would end up. Doesn’t make much sense does it?

Last night I went to church and had an ashen cross smeared on my forehead. As he put the ashes on my head, the minister reminded me that I was mere dust, and that one day I will return to the dust from whence I came. Perhaps you had a similar experience? As a minister, I too was placing ashes on the heads of others. I wondered what the people felt as they heard those sobering words about our mortality. Then it was my turn and I realized in that moment with just me, the minister, and the Holy Spirit, that I was worried about far too many things in this world that really don’t matter in the real scheme of things.

What I really need to worry about

The one thing I really need to worry about is how I can learn to live in the truth of God’s love for me. If the Father clothes the flowers of the field with beauty and splendor, and yet tomorrow they’re gone, how much greater are his plans for our lives? God loves all His children, but those who choose to love Him back can rest in the knowledge that He knows what we really need. Why should we worry about how things will turn out? St. Paul reminds us if God is for us, who could be against us? (Rom 8:31)

As we set out on this Lenten journey, won’t you turn your worries over to Him at the start? Don’t carry those burdens, it’s wasting away your energy, and robbing your hope. Won’t you listen today to this song from David Crowder? The words call us to lay down our burdens and shame, and come to our Father just as we are. You are His child, His most prized of all creation. There’s one person you’ll never have to worry about what He thinks of you – and His is the only opinion that counts. You are special, believe it.

Click Here to listen to “Come as You Are”

Grace & Peace for a Holy Lent,

Pastor Brad

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

Matthew 5:6