Raised from the Ashes: Lent – Day 29

23 And Jesus said to him, “If you can! All things are possible to him who believes.” 24 Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!”


Mark 9:23-24

Read Mark 9:14-29

Lent 2016 Daily Devotions-4


“If a picture paints a thousand words, then why can’t I paint you.” Those of you who are hopeless romantics like me will recognize that as the opening line of the song, “IF”, by the 70’s group Bread. I love that song. I know David Gates didn’t write it as a love song to God, but I think it works. The lyrics express the human longing to know why we can’t seem to do the great things we want to do, but acknowledges we still love. And, it says that love is so strong it will be the only thing that lasts in the end of time.

Big things really do come in small packages, don’t they? Take the word, “if”. Such a small word can mean the difference in everything we believe. It did for the father of the epileptic boy Jesus healed, and it does in our life as well.

God’s Will Is Always Done

Too often, we approach Jesus in our time of need just like the father of the boy in Mark 9. We believe, but do we really believe? Have you ever approached God with a great need, only to say, “Please Lord, if you will…” I know I have. It feels polite to say “if”.  As beloved children of our Father, we need to know we can come boldly before his throne, with all reverence and humility, and ask for anything, knowing whatever we receive will be God’s will. We must pray, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…”

Do we believe God wants to give good gifts to His children? I hope so. Jesus said so in Matthew 7:11, If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!” Everything God does is good.

In verse 22, the boy’s father said to Jesus,but if you can do anything, have pity on us and help us.” Jesus repeated the father’s words with exclamation; “…if you can!” The father came to Jesus and his disciples because he’d heard of his miracle working ministry. He too hoped for a miracle. But, Jesus wants us to know, as He did the boy’s father, that we need not doubt. Only ask in faith believing. Jesus can do ALL things, because He is God.

Of course, just like from our earthly parents, we don’t get from God everything we want just because we ask nicely, even so, we can trust that whatever we receive from God is the best for us; faith will reveal so in the end.

So, no matter what you may be feeling, and no matter how much you think God isn’t listening – He is. And, He promises to give good things to His children…to always raise them from the ashes.

Grace & Peace for a Holy Lent,

Pastor Brad

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

Matthew 5:6

Raised from the Ashes: Lent – Day 25

“I have compassion on the crowd, because they have been with me now three days, and have nothing to eat;


Mark 8:2

Read Mark 8:1-10

Lent 2016 Daily Devotions-4

Fast Until You’re Full

How goes your fast? We are 25 days into Lent, and some of you are fasting, I’m sure. Fasting is an often misunderstood discipline. If you are attempting to fast during these 40 days, always remember that, like He did on the four thousand people in the desert with him, Jesus has compassion on you.

Biblical fasting is always a fast from food for a period of time. Several in the Bible (Moses and Elijah), including Jesus, fasted forty days without food at all. That, is a supernatural fast and not what is meant by fasting as a spiritual discipline. However, a partial fast during a period of 40 days has always been a part of Christian practice. (If you can’t fast a meal for medical reasons, God knows your heart. Fast something else of significance to you)

The Real Purpose of Fasting

Fasting from food by giving up a meal at specific times or days, is probably the only time I recommend we set ourselves up for temptation. Whenever we try to deny ourselves something we are used to, Satan will tempt us with it; you can count on it. But, the whole purpose of fasting is to learn to resist our fleshly desires, and in exchange, connect more with what truly satisfies – the Bread of Life. No matter how tough it gets, don’t give up; fast until you’re full…full of Jesus.

Jesus is the Bread of Life (John 6), and as He said, “…Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” (Matt. 4:4). John also tells us Jesus is the “Word” of God. Jesus, is the very substance we must have to truly live life as it is meant to be lived.

The four thousand who followed Jesus those three days, without regard to food, were fasting from earthly bread, and living in communion with the very Bread of Life. But, Jesus knew they would soon need earthly food to sustain their physical strength, and so He had compassion on them; they received a miraculous feeding. And, He has compassion for you too. Don’t give up on your Lenten fast.

What miracles do you need? Are you tired of your fast? During Lent I find it helpful to re-focus my self on my purpose for fasting; to spend time with the Living Bread. Please know, Jesus has compassion on you too. He is waiting to bless and feed you with his presence. All you need to do is re-focus and draw new water from His well. His well never runs dry. And, no matter how dry you get, no matter how tired or used up you feel, He is always faithful to raise you from the ashes.

Grace & Peace for a Holy Lent,

Pastor Brad

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

Matthew 5:6

Raised from the Ashes: Lent – Day 24

37 And they were astonished beyond measure, saying, “He has done all things well; he even makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak.”

Mark 7:37

Read Mark 7:24-37

Lent 2016 Daily Devotions-4

The Astonishing Jesus

Jesus is astonishing, isn’t He? I think so, but so many people don’t. Jesus’ ministry was so astonishing because the people alive at that time had never seen God intervene in their world. It had been about four centuries since the last prophet spoke to Israel, and it was many centuries before that since God had miraculously intervened in the affairs the nation. Many people in Jesus’ day had lost hope of God rescuing them from their oppressors.

Then came Jesus. Touching hearts, healing the lame, the deaf, and the dumb. He even raised the dead! Everything Jesus did was astonishing. Do you see this astonishing Jesus at work in your world today? Do you see Him at work in your life? I hope so. All that Jesus ever was, He still is. And, all that Jesus ever did, He can still do – if we believe.

Can You See His Astonishing Work?

One of the things I love about the season of Lent, is that it offers me a special time to reconnect with Jesus in special ways. As I read the gospels during this season I relive the miracles Jesus did, and I am encouraged to see His miracles in my life too. Can you see any miracles in your life? They are there, I assure you. The miracles of Jesus recorded in the scriptures are but a fraction of what He actually did, I’m sure. But, the miracles are there to help us believe, to astonish us as well.

Lent is a season for deepening our faith. We are now more than half way through the season, and Holy week will be upon us quickly. How are you doing? Are you growing closer to Jesus? I hope so. If not, take a few moments to reconnect with Him today as you start this week. Think back on how you first met Him, and how you got to where you are today. I’m pretty sure there are some astonishing stories there if you’ll try to remember.

It’s good for us to remember. Photographs are a great way of remembering. Take a look through an old photo album you have. You will soon see that everyday has been a miracle. God has brought you through so much, and He’s not through with His astonishing work in your life yet. As you take your trip down memory lane, I think you will be astonished at the times God has raised you from the ashes.

Grace & Peace for a Holy Lent,

Pastor Brad

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

Matthew 5:6



Raised from the Ashes: Lent – Day 19


“5 And he could do no mighty work there, except that he laid his hands upon a few sick people and healed them. And he marveled because of their unbelief…”


Mark 6:5-6

Read Mark 1-13

Lent 2016 Daily Devotions-4



Shazam Faith?


Marvel, what an intriguing word. It seems we seldom use it anymore except when talking about super heroes, comic books and movies. When I was a kid, one of my favorite super heroes was Captain Marvel, aka “Shazam”. He was the altar ego of a boy named Billy Batson. All Billy had to do was say the magic word “Shazam”, and he would turn in to Captain Marvel, a man of super human strength, speed and ability. Sometimes, we live out our faith with a “Shazam” Prayer life. We think we can just say a magic word and, “Shazam”, Jesus will do what we need.


Many of us are guilty, (me included) of having a “Shazam” faith at some point in our lives. Sometimes, we think because we know God loves us and wants to do what’s best for us, we can just ask and receive. In fact, sadly there are churches that teach such a name it, claim it, “word of faith ability”. But, that is not a faith at which Jesus ‘marvels’. In fact, that’s a very shallow faith.


There are two times in the New Testament that it says Jesus “marveled” at someone’s faith. One was the Roman Centurion in Matthew 8. He was a foreigner and a pagan, but he saw the divine in Jesus, and placed his faith in Him for the healing of his servant. Jesus marveled at his faith, a stronger faith than He’d seen in all Israel. The second, is in today’s gospel. But, instead of at faith, Jesus marvels at the disbelief of those who’d known Him all His life.


Faith Is Always a Partnership


Faith is always a partnership with God. He doesn’t do for us, what we can do for ourselves. In his book, Beginning To Pray, Anthony Bloom, of blessed memory (Click  Here to order the book-a must for every believer!), makes a statement every Christian needs to understand if they are to mature to a faith at which Jesus can marvel. He said, “It is absolutely pointless to ask God for something which we ourselves are not prepared to do” (p. 64). Jesus is much more interested in making a miracle out of our lives, than in doing the miracle for us. He would rather give us the power to overcome our temptations, than to just take them away.


Many years, as Lent begins, it seems I begin the process of learning to become a miracle all over again. Over the rest of the year I fall down in many ways. I sometimes slip back into old habits in my prayers, just wanting God to do something for me…something I know He wants to do. But, I need to remember He wants to do it in and through me, not just for me.

What about you? Do you have a “Shazam” faith, or a faith at which Jesus marvels? When we allow God to make us the miracle, not just ask for the miracle, He marvels at our faith. Then…we are raised from the ashes.


Grace & Peace for a Holy Lent,


Pastor Brad


“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

Matthew 5:6

Raised from the Ashes: Lent – Day 18


“But the woman, knowing what had been done to her, came in fear and trembling and fell down before him, and told him the whole truth.”

Mark 5:33

Read Mark 5:21-43

Lent 2016 Daily Devotions-4



The Whole Truth



When we take the witness stand in a courtroom, we put our left hand on the Bible (or at least we used to), raise our right hand and say we swear to, “tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God”. The truth is of utmost importance in a court case. A judge and jury determine a person’s future. What a tragedy if the decision is based on lies.


When I was a little boy and my mother thought I had been doing something wrong (my face gave it a way every time), she would ask me to tell her the truth. I can remember her saying things like, “don’t lie to me” and “is that everything?”, as if I were holding back some of the details. Now, I did have an incentive to be completely truthful. I knew what the punishment was for lying. The “Father’s wrath”, was not just a biblical phrase in our house. The truth really did set me free – several times.


During Lent we are hopefully learning to be completely truthful with Jesus. We never have to fear pouring out all the details to Him; He already knows them. There is healing in our telling Jesus the details of life. In fact, that’s a good definition of confession, “telling it all to Jesus”.


Real Healing Is in the Details


We don’t know all the details in the life of the woman with the issue of blood. We do know that she worked up the courage to reach out and touch Jesus. As, Jesus turned to ask who touched Him, scripture tells us she fell down before Him and, “…told him the whole truth.” She had received a healing touch from Jesus the moment she touched him, but that was just about the medical issue she faced. When she told Jesus the “whole truth” about herself, He pronounced her well and imparted his peace to her (Vs. 34).


The Greek language of scripture speaks of being “made well”, as a wholeness, not just healed of an affliction. Peace comes to our soul not in the absence of disease, but in being whole in Christ as we are meant to be, and that only comes when we tell Jesus, “the whole truth”. The hardships of life can leave us feeling burned and defeated, but when we are truthful with Jesus, He faithfully, raises us from the ashes.


Grace & Peace for a Holy Lent,


Pastor Brad


“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

Matthew 5:6

God Never Takes A Day Off

Click Here to Read This Week’s Gospel: Luke 13:10-17



What is the one thing you really need? Perhaps it’s the healing of an illness. Maybe it’s the reconciliation of a relationship. When you think about this one thing that is so important you fear it will never happen; it just seems impossible. You know nothing is impossible for God, but still, you just can’t see it. Why should He do this for you? Does He really even care?

One day Jesus walked into a Synagogue and seeing a woman who had suffered for eighteen years, He reached out and healed her. What’s amazing is she didn’t even ask Him. He just walked right up to her and healed her. St. Luke makes sure we understand the healing was initiated by Jesus, not by the the begging of the woman like so many others. Why? Because we need to understand that Jesus knows our every need and care. We don’t have to get His attention. It’s not about how many times we pray for the answer; it’s about God’s love for us and His knowing what’s best. God never takes a day off. Our needs and concerns are His 24/7.

The self-righteous leader of the Synagogue was indignant at the miracle Jesus performed. His narrow view of God’s mercy led him to believe all such work should be done outside of the Sabbath day. But, God never takes a day off. Among many other things, one thing Jesus came to show us is that our Father always knows all our needs, and He’s always caring for them. You can come to Him anytime, anywhere, and He’s never too busy.

It’s important to also note that on the day of the woman’s healing, she was in God’s house. She didn’t let eighteen years of disability keep her away for the assembly of God’s people on the Sabbath. I wonder how many of us realize what really happens when we come together in worship. If you’re going to worship services just to hear a good sermon or to listen to some uplifting music, or maybe even because you think you have to, you’re missing something huge.

When we attend worship services, it’s not about us, it’s about Him. To gather as one voice, one song, and one heart to offer the sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving to our Redeemer. When we come in such a spirit something miraculous happens, our God inhabits the praise of His children. We can count on it. Of course He inhabits our praise when we are alone as well, but would the woman in the gospel have been healed had she stayed home that day?

This Week:

As we begin the second week of Advent, we light the Candle of Faith. So, what is the one thing that is so important to you, it seems to consume you and your prayers? Would you look to Jesus in faith this week in a special way? Try releasing your consuming worry about this thing to Jesus, He already knows what you need. Just worship Him for who He is – your Redeemer. He’s already redeemed your life from the pit. No matter how dark it may seem, His light is brighter if you’ll open your eyes to see it.

As a way of releasing your worry to Him, why don’t you take a minute to respond to this post, and share your burden with all who read this. You don’t have to be specific if you don’t want to, God knows the details. I promise I’ll help you carry it, by posting a prayer just for you. Galatians 6:2 says we are to carry each others burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. I’m praying for you this week, whoever and wherever you are.

Grace & Peace,

Pastor Brad

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.”

Matthew 5:6


All That Is Hidden Will Be Revealed


This Week’s Gospel – Click to Read: Luke 8:41-56

Jesus Heals the Woman With the Issue of Blood

It is a sad commentary that some who come to faith in Jesus Christ think they can hide the fact from everyone around them. They want the healing that comes through Jesus, but they really do not want to change; they are afraid to be seen as, somehow, different. But, the truth is once we have encountered the risen Christ in a personal way we are different, and we will never be the same again.

The gospel this week tells of a woman who wanted desperately to be healed of her affliction. In fact, she had spent most of her money going to doctors, year after year, but to no avail; none could heal her. Then, she met Jesus.

She heard He was coming to her village. The crowds were huge that day. The streets were like wall-to-wall people crammed together all trying to get a get a glimpse of the miracle worker. Some perhaps, wanted to try and touch Him thinking that would make them well. Such was the lady whom had spent her life’s savings on doctors that could never heal her.

When the woman actually got close enough to Jesus to touch his garments, she felt it. She knew it had worked. She could feel it in her body. She was healed – instantly! All those years and all that money wasted, looking for a cure that came with just a touch. Why? What was different? This time she came in faith, not to a man, but to God.

Everyone had said Jesus was the Messiah. She had heard such amazing stories; the blind saw, the lame walked, the dead were raised. She knew it must be true. Her faith told her if she could just touch Him, she too would be healed. And so she was.

You would think she would have shouted for joy! I think I would have screamed Hallelujah! But, not her. Verse 47 says that when she realized she was not hidden, she fell at Jesus’ feet. Not only did Jesus know she was healed, everyone else did too as He exclaimed, “Who touched me?”

We can’t come to Jesus on our own terms, expecting to get everything we want, and not have to give anything in return. Hey “I thought grace was free”, you say? Grace is free, but Jesus is not a vending machine. We cannot just come to Jesus anytime we want, put in a quarter, and get whatever we want, then walk away as if we just made a secret transaction. No, Jesus wants us to show the world what He has done for us.

The woman wanted to stay hidden. She wanted to go back to living her private life with her newly healed body as if nothing ever happened. When Jesus touches our lives it is a big deal! So big that He wants the world to know.

Why is it so important for us to show the world what Jesus has done for us? Because, He is the answer to all the world’s needs and if we don’t tell what He has done for us, others will continue looking for answers in all the wrong places. They will keep wasting their money on would be cures that never happen. Our testimony might be the key to unlocking Jesus’ healing in someone else.

This Week:

What about you? Are you still living as if you are trying to hide like the woman did. I know God wants to touch your life in a powerful and meaningful way. He wants to heal all that is broken in you. But, He wants you to give Him the glory, and you do that by telling others what He has done for you.

Won’t you come to Jesus with all your needs. He may take the burden away from you, or give you the grace to bear up under it, either way His healing is always perfect. Let him heal you, and then live out your amazing testimony. Others will see, and others will come. All that is hidden will one day be revealed.

Grace & Peace,

Pastor Brad

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

Matthew 5:6

The One Thing We All Need…Is The One Thing We Least Beleive In

This Week’s Gospel: Click Here to read – Luke 8:26-39

Jesus Heals the Gerasene Demoniac


Who would have believed that a man with multiple demons, a man no one could control, not even keep chained up, could ever be healed? You would think having witnessed the most incredible miracle of their lives, the people of the community where the possessed Gerasene man lived, would believe. How could they dispute the goodness of what was done? The man was released from his demons. He was made whole again. He was healed. Yet, the people asked Jesus to leave.

Before we get too surprised at their unbelief and their audacity of asking Jesus to leave their community, perhaps we should take a look at our own lives. All around us are hurting people who need the healing of Jesus, but do we even offer it to them? It seems the one thing we all need, is the one thing we least believe in.

Where in the Bible does it say that miraculous healing left our world when Jesus ascended into Heaven? Why do we seem to think that it was okay for Jesus to work such miracles because He is God? But, as for us, well we shouldn’t expect ourselves to do what he did. Or should we?

Jesus told his followers they would do even greater works than He: “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father. Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.…” (John 14:12-13).

St. Peter raised a dead woman to life (Acts 9). St. Paul raised a man from the dead (Acts. 20). I would say those are greater works than Jesus did, just like He said. Why? Because Peter and Paul were men and not God. It is really quite remarkable when you think about it. The early church moved throughout the world with the miraculous power of God. Some have said that such “apostolic” power died out with the twelve apostles. But, did it?

In St. Matthew’s gospel, chapter 10, we read how Jesus commissioned the twelve to heal the sick and raise the dead. Paul was not even one of the original twelve disciples, yet the power was manifest in him. We know the twelve apostles ordained successors to their offices out of concern to pass on the apostolic ministry to the next generation (Acts 1). In fact, the ancient history of the church is filled with accounts of saints who worked great miracles, and even raised the dead.

So, why don’t we believe in such apostolic power filling the church of today? Is it because we have become too smart for such things? Have we become so sophisticated in our thinking and our ability to save lives through modern medicine that we don’t really believe in miracles anymore? Or do we even acknowledge the healing we bring in modern medicine is not from us at all, but from God? I wonder.

I look around our world today and see so many lost and hurting people, people in need of miracles. Yet, it seems the church offers little if any; most churches anyway. Again I ask, why? The very thing our world needs most, seems to be the very thing we believe the least – a church filled with apostolic power!

What miracles do you need? Is your life bound up with demons? Perhaps the common demons of today are not the possessive kind, but rather the kind we allow to plague us through our lack of faith. Jesus is still able to do through His church today, all the miracles He did then, but He won’t do them without the consent of our faith.

This Week:

As you go through this week, read the miracle stories of Jesus and His apostles. Consider your own life. Do you need a miracle? Jesus said, “For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” (Matt. 7:8). As a minister who stands in the line of apostolic ministry, I’m asking for faith to believe He wants to do miracles through me. Won’t you ask Him for your miracles too?

Feel free to comment or ask a question. We must build each other up to the fullness of faith as we journey together.  Until later in the week…

Grace & Peace,

Pastor Brad

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.”

Matthew 5:6

Image Credit: http://www.princetonalliance.org