Two Things For Certain

Waves of Mercy pentecost-1024x493The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23


Growing up I always heard there were only two things that were certain in this life – death and taxes. I guess whoever coined that phrase didn’t know the Lord God Almighty. According to scripture, the love and mercy of the Lord are everlasting. You can’t get more certain than that.

We all need people and things in our life we can count on. We need to know that when the sun comes up tomorrow, those things will still be there. Of course it’s probably true that if the sun comes up tomorrow we will still owe taxes, and we know one-day death will certainly come knocking at our door. But, above all of that, isn’t it comforting to know that no matter what happens to us, or what mistakes we make, the one thing we can count on is that God still loves us?

The tides of oceans come in and go out, but the waves of God’s mercy flow into our lives forever. His mercy never gets old or worn out. Every day His mercy is new and fresh, right there at our door ready to greet us, to walk with us throughout our day, covering us with His steadfast love. The next time you find yourself in need of mercy, or you’re feeling unloved, remember the great faithfulness of our God. He’s always faithful, even when we are not –There is nothing greater.

Grace and Peace,

+Pastor Brad


Loving, Merciful Father, thank you for your great faithfulness to me, even when I’m not faithful to you. Thank you for a loving me with a love that lasts forever. Amen.

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