Raised from the Ashes: Lent, Day – 13


“So will I always sing the praise of your Name, and day by day I will fulfill my vows.”

Psalm 61:8

Read Psalm 61:1-8

Lent 2016 Daily Devotions-4

How Are You Doing?

As we are now in the second full week of Lent, some of you may be growing weary of your discipline. There is something exhilarating about beginning a journey like the Lenten fast. However, there is also something exhausting in the daily temptation to do what we have said we will not do. If you’re new to Lenten fasting and self-denial, this may be particularly true for you.

I remember one Lent when I gave up coffee, eggs, and desserts in the same season. Now for a coffee addict like me, that alone seemed a suicidal goal. Did I mention how much I love eggs? Eggs are, and always have been a part of my morning regimen. I couldn’t even imagine the idea of not eating eggs for 40 days! And desserts, well that seemed difficult around my birthday (which always falls in Lent), but I wasn’t nearly as addicted to desserts as I was to coffee and eggs.

Looking back, I realize I was completely misguided in my understanding of the purpose of a Lenten fast. I thought the purpose was to prove how strong I could be in my resolve to deny myself such pleasures. I thought I was somehow more holy for doing so. Did I mention I was a very young adult at that time? Oh well, no matter, I would probably fail at such an attempt even today in my mid 50’s. That is, I would fail if I attempted it for the wrong reason.

Always Remember

We must always remember our purpose for Lenten fasting and self-denial – to learn to surrender what we desire, for what God desires for us. If we can’t do that with food, how will we do it with the great things of God’s will that He desires for us?

God is not interested in our starving ourselves. However, He is interested in the surrender of our will to His for every detail in life. What better way to practice our surrender to God than through self-denial? The Psalmist says the only way to keep a vow to God (our Lenten fasts count as a vow) is to fulfill it day by day in praise to Him (Vs. 8).

How Are You Doing?

Today is day 13. How are you doing? If you’ve failed, don’t give up. As in all of life, so it is in Lent. Our God is always ready to give us another chance, to lift us up and set us back on a high place…to raise us from the ashes.

Grace & Peace for a Holy Lent,

Pastor Brad

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

Matthew 5:6

Raised form the Ashes: Lent Day – 12

Lent 2016 Daily Devotions-4

“For the kingdom of God does not consist in talk but in power.”

1 Cor. 4:20

Read 1 Cor. 4:8-21

Cheap Talk

Talk is cheap, unless of course that talk gets you in trouble, then it could prove very expensive. I think that proverbial saying says what St. Paul was telling the Corinthians. The great Apostle was a spiritual father to the Corinthians (Vs. 15), and as such had earned the right to talk to them straight about their spiritual lives.

As you read the letters to the Corinthian church, you will see the church struggled in about every way imaginable, and you will hear Paul’s straight talk as he tells them the truth in love. They stopped maturing in their faith and fell into many sins. Such a state was a detriment not only to their own lives but to the witness of the church to effect change in the culture around them.

Can We Change from Our Sinful Ways?

St. Paul reminded them, as he sent Timothy to minister on his behalf, that they hadn’t received the gospel just to continue in their sins, but to be changed. The gospel is the power of God to save (Rom 1:16), and not just save “in” our sin, but to save us “from” our sin (Matt. 1:21). The New Testament continually calls us to a life above sin, both in the words of Jesus, and the Apostles. Perhaps the best example is Jesus’ words to the woman at the well as he tells her, “I do not condemn you, either. Go. From now on sin no more.” (John 8:11)

Sometimes we think our Lenten journey will help us learn to avoid sin, by spending more time in prayer and fasting. While I’m sure our resolve to avoid sin is strengthened through such Lenten disciplines as prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, we must remember that that is not the object of Lent. The object of our Lenten journey is to grow closer to Christ. The answer to losing our desire for sin (which is innate in our fallen nature), is growing more in love with our Savior.

The people of the Corinth church needed to be reminded of how much Jesus loved them, and just how his death, resurrection, and gift of the Spirit was to deliver them from the dominion of sin. It wasn’t enough for then to just say they believed (Cheap Talk), and to continue living unchanged, and it’s not okay for us either. We must live in the kingdom power that not only saves, but transforms.

Lent is a part of our spiritual tool box given to us by the church to help effect our transformation into Christ’s likeness. When we pray, fast and do works of mercy we imitate the Apostles who imitated Christ. Paul knew his life was to provide a living example for the people to follow. So too, we want to imitate the lives of the saints who’ve gone before us, as we ultimately conform our lives to the imitation of Christ. The closer we grow to Jesus Christ, the more He transforms us. His transformation will indeed, raise us from the ashes.

Grace & Peace for a Holy Lent,

Pastor Brad

“Blessed are those who hunger & thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

Matthew 5:6


Raised from the Ashes: Lent-Day 10, In Memory of My Father

Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears my word and believes him who sent me, has eternal life; he does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.”

John 5:24

Read John 5:24-30

Lent-Day 9 had no post as I was officiating at my father’s funeral.

Day -10 is In Memory of my Father. Today’s devotion is the text of the funeral message I delivered yesterday, February 19, 2016 at the Church of the Brethren Newton, KS

Dad, me Christas 2015 cropped

Charles Wilson Riley 1928~2016

Death has been called the great equalizer. It comes to all; rich, poor, young, old – no one can escape death, or so it seems. But is that what Christ would have us to think on today? This idea that no one can escape death. I think not. I think Jesus Christ, the Lord of Life, would rather have us to dwell on life…life everlasting as the gospel calls it.

We have the very words of Jesus as a promise in the 11th chapter of John, that if we believe, we will actually never die. Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live,  and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26) In fact, St. Paul has said, “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” (1 Cor. 15:55). What incredible words! These are the thoughts we must consider today. We must consider them everyday, until they become our reality. Death is not the victor here, though it may seem as such for a while.

When death comes to our loved ones, as it did for my family this week, our perception of reality is challenged. Regardless of what we know or believe, the strong emotions of grief come over us, even overwhelm us… that is they come over us if we are honest with ourselves. I have known a few people in my life who seemed not to be phased by the death of a loved one; something I fear is not a healthy state of being. But as we reflect on death and life together this morning, let us consider our creation and what kind of being we are.

God has made us emotional beings who feel joy and sorrow, health and pain, hope and despair. But it remains for us, in the midst of such high and low feelings, to make sure we understand what God intends for us in such a time as this.

As a minister of the gospel, I am often called upon to do funerals…many times for people I didn’t know, who when death came to their family had no church home or pastor to lean on. And so it has become my honor to be the one who walks through the valley with them.

I have learned that it is precisely at that point in their life, that their greatest need is to be introduced to the love of Jesus, the one who loves them unconditionally, who desires to show them comfort and hope, not doom and despair, the one who is at work in ways we cannot see to accomplish their salvation, even as He is at work in the lives of all peoples. And God is at work in our lives today as well.

He desires to show us something today, something He has been teaching me the last several years. It’s really a quite profound theological truth. But, it’s so simple, too often we miss it, especially through our tears and grief.

And here it is…

In the gospel we heard, Jesus speaks of death as if it is but a door way we all must pass through. But for those who believe in Him it is a doorway to life everlasting, and NOT a doorway to judgment (Vs 24). You see we are already judged. We are all guilty of sin. None of us is perfect. But with faith in God our Father, through Jesus Christ, His son, we can have life, and not just life after death, but life here and now!

Verse 24 shows us the present reality of things for those who believe. Verse 25 tells us this is the hour in which we can be made alive forever. We don’t have to wait until we die to inherit eternal life. It is our present reality, even though the face of death tells us differently.

In chapter 11, we even hear the incredible words that those who believe in Jesus, never really die!

A wise man once said, “If you die before you die, then you will never die when you die”.

What an incredible thought!

I know, Hebrews 9 tells us it is appointed unto all once to die and then the judgment. But, Jesus is telling us not to fear that judgment. Those who believe already know what their verdict will be on that judgment day.

So just what does God intend for us here today, as we mourn the passing of a husband, a father, a friend?

I believe He intends for us to be honest with ourselves. Death hurts. It hurts like nothing else in this world! But, He intends to remind us that it is NOT our reality… if we believe. Scripture speaks of an eternal death, to be sure. But that is not for those who believe.

For God intends for those who believe to see life! He intends for us to believe!

My dad believed. My Mom believes. I pray all my family believes! I pray all of you believe!

And so I thank you for your presence here today to help my family grieve and mourn our loss.

But I leave you with the question Jesus asked of his friends as they stood beside the tomb of Lazarus. With tears Jesus wept at their sorrow, even as He does for us today, and He asks us… “Do you believe this?”

Raised form the Ashes: Lent – Day 8

Lent – Wednesday, Day 8

“ For no other foundation can any one lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”

1 Cor. 3:11

Read 1 Cor. 2:14-3:15

Lent 2016 Daily Devotions-4

Be Careful How You Build

I’ve always admired those who could draw up a plan to build something and then do it, and do it well. I tried to build a wooden kneeling bench for prayer when I was a teenager. It seemed a simple task at first. I carefully drew a picture of what I wanted it to look like when done. Then, I set about finding the right materials and to make measurements for each cut, of each piece of wood. However, I quickly realized it was much harder than I expected. There were several things that didn’t seem to work as I tried to assemble the pieces. I didn’t know how to make all the pieces fit just right, which should come as no surprise considering I’d never had a woodworking class in my life. As a result, the bench when done, although recognizable when done, was not sturdy or comfortable.

I was building the bench on a poor foundation. Actually, it was more like no foundation, considering my lack of gifts, skills and training in such things. Life is a lot like my kneeling bench experience. Without the proper foundation, life, while recognizable as such, will not be sturdy or comfortable. Jesus Christ is the only foundation for life as it is meant to be lived. You can build with another foundation, like your own self, or that of another person, but it will eventually fail you.

Our Responsibility

Every generation is responsible to pass the faith of Jesus Christ on to the next, being careful to build on the foundation that is Jesus. The people of the Corinthian church were getting off track. As they grew, they had the right foundation but were not using the best building materials. They started out with gold and silver, and somewhere along the way settled for wood and straw.

How many of our lives are like that? We started out with the right foundation – faith in Christ. However, along the way we ended up substituting the wrong building materials, and we’re not even sure how or when we did it. It’s easy to do if we aren’t diligent about what we’re doing. Maybe we’ve traded authentic worship for false worship, or perhaps we’ve settled for the desires of our flesh rather than the hard work of rooting our desires in the will of God.

This is why Lent is my favorite season of the year. It’s like a 40-day spiritual check up to be sure my foundation is secure, to be sure I’m building with the right materials. Through extra times of fasting, prayer, and works of mercy, we can better listen for the gentle voice of Jesus calling us to correct our course, and bring us back onto a secure foundation

All Will Be Revealed

Are you listening? Jesus is calling to each of us in these days of Lent. Let us therefore, as St. Paul has said, “take care how we build”. In the end of days, how we built will be revealed; Paul tells us fire will reveal it. That which was built poorly will burn and be consumed. But, the good news is Jesus always raises His own from the ashes.

Grace & Peace for a Holy Lent

Pastor Brad

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

Matthew 5:6

Raised From the Ashes: Lent – Day 7

Lent – Wednesday, Day 7

And in the morning, a great while before day, he rose and went out to a lonely place, and there he prayed”

Mark 1:35

Read Mark 1:29-45


Lonely Places

Lent 2016 Daily Devotions-4

Generally speaking, loneliness is not good for us humans. However, we can acknowledge that there are times when we need “lonely places”. Lent is certainly one of those times. Today we are seven days into our Lenten journey. The gospel today from St. Mark speaks to us of the ministry of Jesus to heal and restore, as well as of His need for lonely places.

During Lent, we often make the mistake of thinking the journey is about us; how we can grow stronger through more prayer, fasting and reflection. Indeed, we hope to grow stronger in our faith through observing a holy Lent, but may I submit to you today that that is a blessed consequence and not the goal of our journey

Our Lenten Goal

The goal of observing the Lenten season by dedicating more time to the spiritual disciplines is quite simply – union with Christ. It can be said that if we are followers of Jesus, the goal of all our earthly life is union with Christ, a union which consummates fully in Heaven. And, along the way we find great moments of “commUNION” with our Lord when we concentrate on practicing the disciplines of our faith as we do in Lent.

Jesus is our model for such practice of faith. While on earth, He found great strength and peace from times of concentrated prayer and communion with the Father, such as we read about in today’s gospel. But, we must also notice that those times were often found in lonely places like the wilderness and gardens where scripture tells us it what his habit to be alone in prayer (Luke 5:16).

The longer I live, the more I value times of quiet and aloneness, not to be alone with myself, but rather to be alone with God. Yes, I actually seek out lonely places. Today, I rose to write this devotional the morning after my father’s passing from this earth. Beginning with my father’s passing yesterday around noon, I have found myself in a particularly lonely place, even though surrounded by family. Yet in that aloneness, I realize my heavenly Father is with me. I am not alone.

Are You in a Lonely Place?

The psalmist says, “ye though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me” We are truly never alone, whether we realize it or not. God is always with his children. What a comfort it is to know in my loneliness without my father, I know my dad is with his heavenly Father, and will never feel alone again.

What are you going through on your journey? Are you in the valley of the shadow of death? Are you feeling alone in a crowded world? This Lent, my prayer for you is that you may realize that even in lonely places…you are never alone.

There’s a line from an old gospel song that I need to hear today. Perhaps you do too?

In the very thought of Jesus His presence can be found
He’s as close as the mention of His name
There is never any distance between my Lord and me
He’s as close as the mention of His name

You can listen to the song here:


As you read and listen today, let the Father raise you from the ashes.

Grace & Peace for a Holy Lent,

Pastor Brad

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

Matthew 5:6

Raised from the Ashes: Tuesday – Day 6

Lent 2016 Daily Devotions-4

The Way of the Fool

30 He is the source of your life in Christ Jesus, whom God made our wisdom, our righteousness and sanctification and redemption;”

I Corinthians 1:30

Read I Corinthians 1:18-31


Have you ever been called a fool? If so, chances are it hurt to hear it. As a kid, my mom always told me not to call anyone a fool, not matter how foolish they act. She was thinking of the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:22 that says, if we call anyone a fool we are “in danger of hellfire”. I didn’t understand why I would go to Hell for using a simple word, but it worked. I stopped using the word fool. However, as I grew I always remained curious of what Jesus meant by such a damning sentence for the use of a simple word.

In his first letter to the Corinthians, St. Paul talks a lot about fools. He speaks of how God used what the world calls foolishness, on which to build His kingdom. You, see the message of the gospel seems foolish to the those who are perishing, but the wisdom of God for those who believe (Vs 18).

In Lent, we often think we should focus on ourselves, and how we are trying to deny ourselves in order to become more like Christ. But, the focus of Lent is actually Christ himself, not us. When we turn our attention to meditating on the mystery of our faith, Jesus calls us deeper into the Spiritual life

Are Lenten Sacrifices Foolish?

In the wisdom of the world (an oxymoronic thought), Lenten sacrifice seems foolish. Denying our flesh in order to tame its cravings, concentrating on serving others through works of mercy, spending time in prayer, meditation, and study, such is folly to those who think they are wise already. Though their actions are indeed foolish, Jesus would not have us call anyone a fool, because a fool is one who thinks he/she is wise in their own eyes, and as such are lost. The one who thinks they don’t need God is as Jesus’ said, “in danger of hellfire”, and that is a label we don’t wish on anyone.

Have you ever felt foolish for your faith? Great! You should know it’s a hallmark of honor to be counted a fool for Jesus. God our Father is the source of all life. He is the fountain of all wisdom, and that wisdom is found in the person of Jesus Christ. He alone is the source of our redemption and sanctification. He alone is the hope of the world. If we are to be fools in anyone’s eyes, then let us be “fools for Christ” (1 Cor. 4:10), for we may look foolish now, but soon we will be raised from the ashes.

Grace & Peace for a Holy Lent,

Pastor Brad

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

Matthew 5:6


Raised from the Ashes: Monday, Day 5

Lent – Monday, Day 5


even as the testimony to Christ was confirmed among you— so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gift, as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ; who will sustain you to the end, guiltless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

I Corinthians 1:6-8

Read I Corinthians 1:1-17

 Lent 2016 Daily Devotions-4

Waiting for the Revealing

As we begin the first full week of our Lenten journey, scripture reminds us that we need each other. Our journey isn’t a solitary one. We fast and pray, and practice self-denial as one body in Christ, not as individuals. Like all of life, we are called to live in community, not isolation. The truth is if I’m going to grow to be the best disciple I can be, I need you my brothers and sisters to pray for me to the Lord our God.

When we practice our faith together, worshiping, learning, and serving, we enter into the life of the most Holy Trinity. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit exist in a continual exchange of love. St. Paul wrote to the church in Corinth that when the “testimony to Christ” is confirmed among them, they lack no spiritual gift. None of us have all spiritual gifts, but all of us have at least one, and together we form a unified whole of the body of Christ, lacking nothing. That is the true church. That is the church the world needs to see.

What is Our Testimony?

The testimony to Christ is the testimony to love. We know that God is love and in Him there is only love; He sent His only son to die for the saving of the world. If we’re to be His body, we too must have a testimony to love. St. John tells us to love one another, for only those who love are born of God (1 John 4:8). When we love each other, people see God in us, His body becomes manifest to the world

And So, We Wait

Lent is a microcosm of the whole of life. In it we journey together toward our ultimate end – life with Christ. At the end of Lent, we will celebrate the great mystery of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. And, in His resurrection we too are raised to new life. At the end of our earthly lives we celebrate the mystery of our redemption, eternal life with Christ. However, until both the end of Lent and the end our earthly lives, we wait for the “revealing of Jesus Christ”. While we wait, He sustains us through His all Holy, and life-giving Spirit, guiltless until the end, guiltless until we are raised from the ashes.

Grace & Peace for a Holy Lent,

Pastor Brad

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

Matthew 5:6

Raised from the Ashes: The Perfect Hiding Place

First Saturday: My Secret Hiding Places


“You are my hiding-place; you preserve me from trouble; *you surround me with shouts of deliverance.”

Psalm 32:8

Read Psalm 32

Lent 2016 Daily Devotions-4

Kids love hiding places. Hide and seek is one of every kids’ favorite games. They’re so good at it because they’re small and fit in lots of unseen places. I remember as a boy, I had a several secret hiding places-places to hide from my mom or my big sister if I was in trouble. The problem was I eventually had to come out in the open and face my trouble; never mind I was usually innocent (sarcasm intended).

As grown ups we still like hiding places, don’t we? Whether it’s needing a break from the kids and family, or a break from work, sometimes we just need to get alone and hide. Of course we can’t really hide from our problems. That’s part of being an adult, right? Or, maybe we can hide from our problems.

The Perfect Hiding Place

The psalmist saw in God the perfect hiding place. No matter what was happening in his world, whether chased by enemies or whether pursued by his own guilty conscience, God was his true hiding place. The Psalms are filled with songs of praise to God for his protection and deliverance from all enemies. Psalm 32 is one of those songs.

The psalmist sings of the joy of being forgiven and released from guilt. He admonishes the reader to not be stubborn like a mule, but trust God – He is our hiding place. But, He becomes our hiding place only when we confess our sins. When we are open and honest with God, His arms are open wide to receive us in mercy, not in condemnation and punishment.

Everyone is Welcome

The psalmist saw into the future a day when all people would be welcomed into God’s arms, not just the Jews. Jesus Christ opened wide the arms of God as He hung on the cross so that, no matter the sin, no matter the enemy, no matter the trouble all may find the perfect hiding place. At the cross of Christ there is perfect love, and acceptance. No one who comes in repentance is denied refuge.

As you enter the first weekend of your Lenten journey, I hope you will find peace and safety in the cross today. It is in God’s hiding place we are raised from the ashes.

Grace & Peace for a Holy Lent

Pastor Brad


“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

Matthew 5:6

“Raised from the Ashes”: First Friday, The Power of the Cross

“Behold, all souls are mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sins shall die.”

Ezekiel 18:4

Read Ezekiel 18: 1-9

Lent 2016 Daily Devotions-4

The Power of the Cross

Have you ever felt as though you were living with some sort of family curse? That may sound strange to you, but many people do. Perhaps it’s stems from a cycle of abusive behavior, or even a hereditary trait. In the Old Testament, scripture taught the people of Israel that the sins of the fathers were visited on the 3rd and 4th generation (Ex. 20:5). Clearly we see this throughout history. Many family members have suffered due to the consequences of their fathers’ and grandfathers’ sinful actions. But, that isn’t a curse; it’s a consequence, not a punishment.

Sadly people often misunderstood what God was teaching in the several verses of the Old Testament that speak to the consequence of sins affecting future generations. We see this even in Jesus’ day as His disciples asked if a man’s blindness from birth was because of his father’s sin, or of his own (John 9:1-3). Jesus, set them straight. The man’s blindness was not a result of sin, but to show that God is sovereign over all things, even birth defects that happen in a sinful world.

The Prophet Ezekiel had some very important words for a people who seemed lost in superstition. He told them they could no longer use their old saying of a father eating sour grapes and his child’s teeth being set on edge. God is sovereign over every soul. There is no such thing as superstition. Each person is ultimately responsible for his or her own sin. He also made it clear that there are consequences to sin, natural ones, not superstitious curses.

So what are we to make of what seems like family curses passed down in our world today? First we need to understand that a curse can only be spoken into existence by one who has supernatural power over the forces of our world, and the only one with that power is God. While we do see God putting a few curses on subjects in the Bible (the serpent in the garden, and Jesus cursing the fig tree), we know that His curse is given out of his divine knowledge of what is needed.

So What Are We to Do With Curses?

Scripture teaches us God is love, and in Him there is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5). God loves us so much, that when nothing else could save us from sin and darkness, at the right time He sent His only son to die for us on a cross. And, as the powerful hymn “Before the Throne of God” says, “sin’s curse has lost it’s grip on me”. Jesus, our great High Priest whose name is Love, has saved us so completely, we can give our lives over to him and his sovereignty, such that even death cannot touch us.

To enter a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, our Savior and our God, is to enter everlasting life. Jesus tells us in John 5 that those who believe have passed out of death and into life. One day, when our body is laid to rest, then we will live as never before. A wise man once said, “If you die, before you die, you’ll never die when you die.”

Friday’s in Lent are a day for dying. We remember and honor Jesus’ death on the cross by meditating on his cross, and how He broke the curse of sin and death. Has your curse been broken? It’s your choice. Don’t live blaming your ancestors any longer for things you know you shouldn’t do, things God’s power can help you overcome.

Won’t you click the link below and listen to this powerful hymn of faith by one of my favorite artists, Selah? Then spend some time today meditating on the power of the cross that can raise you from the ashes.


Grace & Peace for a Holy Lent,

Pastor Brad

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”

Matthew 5:6