
Waves of Mercy pentecost-1024x493For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God

Ephesians 2:8


Do you ever feel completely helpless? I hope so, it keeps us humble. A healthy developed self confidence wants to accomplish things on its own, and if the person is a man, he really doesn’t want to ask for help; it’s a guy thing. However, if we become too self confident we may start to feel invincible – a dangerous place to be.

People who think they’re invincible tend not to believe in God. They see faith in God as a sign of weakness. But, the real weakness in thinking they can do anything without the mercy of God. Life in and of itself is a gift from God, and it’s because of His daily waves of mercy that we accomplish anything at all. St. James tells us not to be deceived; it is God who gives us birth and that every good and perfect gift is from Him (James 1:16-18).

Our birth is a gift from God, and our re-birth into faith in Him is also a gift. We can’t come into this world but by the mercy of God, and we wont go out of it and into Heaven without that same mercy. In His great mercy God has given grace to all who will see it; the grace to believe in Jesus Christ.

Do you see His grace? Is your faith in the one who made you, or the deceptive thinking believing you can somehow be good enough to earn Heaven? Sure goodness counts, but only when we seek His goodness within us through faith. We can’t make our selves into His likeness, but by faith through grace, He can make us like Him. All it takes is a faith-filled surrender, and a remembrance that we’re not invincible.

Grace and Peace,

+Pastor Brad


Lord of Mercy and Grace, forgive my foolishness of thinking I can do anything by myself. Help me to see all of life is your grace helping me to become more like you. Amen.

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Betting On God

Waves of Mercy pentecost-1024x493Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

Psalm 23:6


Have you ever bet on a “sure thing” only to lose? We probably all have at one time or another. Growing up, I was always an avid Muhammad Ali fan. He was the greatest boxer of all time in my opinion. I knew some guys who always bet on Ali to win his fights. They said, “He’s a sure thing”. Personally, I lost interest in betting at a young age. It seemed every time I would be on my favorite team or person, they’d lose. I remember how surprised those guys who bet on Ali were the night he lost to Joe Frazier, and then again when He lost to Ken Norton. Their “sure thing” plan wasn’t so sure.

It seems nothing in this world is a “sure thing”. Businesses even buy what are called Surety Bonds to insure they don’t lose money if someone defaults on a contract. But, even Surety bond businesses aren’t a “sure thing” if they go bankrupt. However, there is one thing in this world that is a “sure thing”God’s goodness and mercy.

When David wrote the 23rd Psalm, he knew his Lord would never let him down, no matter what enemies came against him. We can trust God to always love, always forgive, and to always be good. His mercy flows out to His children forever. My pastor when I was a young man used to always say, “God is too good to wrong, and too wise to make a mistake”. We can count on the Him like Jeremiah the prophet did as he remembered God’s mercy in his times of lamenting.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.

(Lam. 3:22-23)

I have a great tip for you today. If you’re hurting or lost, and don’t know what to do next, who to trust, or where to turn, bet on God – He is the only “sure thing”.

Grace and Peace,

+Pastor Brad


Father of all Mercy, assist me by your grace to always turn to you in my trouble. Thank you for your steadfast faithfulness that never lets me down. Teach me to walk faithfully in your ways. Amen.

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Scared Into Heaven?

Waves of Mercy pentecost-1024x493Therefore gird up your minds, be sober, set your hope fully upon the grace that is coming to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

1 Peter 1:13


As a boy, I remember hearing a certain TV preacher who was always preaching about the end of world. He would literally yell out, “Jesus is coming soon, repent you sinners, repent!” There’s really nothing wrong with the old preacher’s message, after all, calling sinners to repentance is a part of the gospel. But, it’s the way the old man said it that always bothered me, in fact it still does. Quite frankly, it scared me. Let’s just say that when I heard him preach I wasn’t thinking hopefully about God’s grace the way St. Peter was.

While I didn’t know then, as a young boy I too would grow up to be a preacher, I now often think about the message I proclaim and how I proclaim it. I don’t think scaring people into Heaven is good evangelism. Even though Peter talks about the “fiery ordeal” that comes upon us as we suffer with Christ in this world, his message always gets around to the joy of seeing Jesus in His glory when this world ends.

“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed.” 1 Peter 4:12-13

I think we should all take Peter’s advice. Let’s prepare our minds clearly and set our “hope”, on the “grace” God will reveal to us when Jesus ushers in the end the world as we know it. He brings His grace on waves of mercy. We don’t need to fear His coming if our faith is him; just live in the peace of His love, grace and mercy.

Grace and Peace,

+Pastor Brad


Eternal Father, in the name of our coming Lord Jesus, help me to live in the peace you bring through your grace and mercy, and in the hope of your coming in glory. Amen.

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What Goes Around, Comes Around


Waves of Mercy pentecost-1024x493It is well with those who deal generously and lend, who conduct their affairs with justice.

For the righteous will never be moved; they will be remembered forever.

Psalm 112:5-6

There’s an old saying I’ve always liked, “What goes around, comes around”. I guess I like it because it reminds me that things won’t always be the way they are. You know what I mean, things won’t always be so unjust. Our world is unjust in many of the affairs of people; lying, cheating, stealing, there’s seems to be no end to it. But, those who practice such kinds of injustice will eventually experience such injustice themselves, if not in this world, certainly in the next; though it will actually be what they deserve.

The proverb tells us that whatever behavior we spread around will eventually come back to us, good or bad. So, God’s people are to be beacons of righteousness in this dark world. Verse four of Psalm 112, says the righteous, “… rise in the darkness as a light for the upright; they are gracious, merciful, and righteous. The righteous are to be God’s waves of mercy to our lost and hurting world.

Who doesn’t want to be remembered forever? Scoundrels are a dime a dozen and are quickly forgotten after they die, for they gave nothing back to the world. But, the truly good people, the righteous saints of God, those we remember. The Psalmist tells us the hallmarks of such people; they are generous and just, and they are not moved from the righteousness of the Lord. I want to be remembered as that kind of person and I’m sure you do too, but it all begins in our spirit. Jesus said people reap what they sow, and we can only sow what’s in our spirit. May our spirits be graceful, merciful, and righteous, both now and forever, because…what goes around, comes around.

Grace and Peace,

+Pastor Brad


Righteous, Eternal Father, thank you for your waves of mercy in my life. Help me to be graceful, merciful and righteous in this world, and may my spirit be counted among the righteous, now and forever. Amen.

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No Strings Attached

Waves of Mercy pentecost-1024x493For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Romans 3:24-25


Grace, mercy and love all have one thing in common – they’re free. There’s no way to truly love someone, or show them grace and mercy if you have conditions connected. Don’t you wish all relationships worked with a “No strings attached” understanding. When we love someone as God loves us, we love them for who they are, just as they are. We don’t love them “if” they’ll change for us.

Sadly, many people enter relationships and deal with others with all kinds of strings attached. Some give money to charity only if it will be used the way they think it should. In relationships people often withhold love and emotions until the other person acts or performs as they think they should. When we act like this we’re manipulating people and events in an effort to control them, and that’s not real love.

Aren’t you thankful God doesn’t love us like that? St. Paul tells us that God’s love and grace flow freely in waves of mercy to ALL sinners, through the redeeming sacrifice of Jesus Christ. God doesn’t wait for us to be perfect to love us. The very definitions of grace and agape love (God’s love) mean that they are undeserved, no strings attached. We’re all sinners, yes everyone, but God loves us where we are, as we are. Of course, He doesn’t want us to stay in our sin, but still His love for us is there.

St. John, in his first epistle tells us how much God loves us even in our sin; This is real love–not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.” (1 John 4:10 NLT) God’s love is real love, and it always comes with no strings attached.

Grace and Peace,

+Pastor Brad


Father, thank you for loving me even in my sin with no strings attached. Help me by your grace and mercy to rise above my sin and to live a life of real love for you and others. Amen.

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It’s All About Love

Waves of Mercy pentecost-1024x493For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16


The entire message of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation can be summed up in these four words – “For God so loved”. God created because He loved. God saved Noah because He loved. God called Abraham, and made him the father of all who would be redeemed because He loved. God gave the promised land because He loved. He restored Israel to their homeland after their captivity because He loved. The story of God and humanity is all about love.

Too often we lose sight of the Father’s love by focusing on the difficult elements of the many stories of God’s people through time. We often think the story of God is about disobedience and punishment. Those are both a part of the saga, but they are not what the story is all about. Just as there are consequences to sin in our lives today, the many harsh punishments we see in the Bible were as such. And, punishment is actually loving if the intention is for us to learn from our disobedience. But, if we fail to see the love of God poured out over and over again in the pages of the Bible, we miss the main point.

God’s love is from before all things because His very essence is love. All that flows from Him, yes even His wrath, flows from His love. As St. John tells us, “God is light” and “God is love”, and there is no darkness in Him (1 Jn. 1:5; 4:8). And, in the ultimate act of light and love He sent His only son, Jesus Christ, into the world, that through faith, all who will believe on Him may be saved.

If God’s story is all about love, then shouldn’t ours be as well? Is yours? Believe me, I’m asking myself the same thing. Every day when we rise to look in the mirror, let us remember how much God loves us, and let that love overflow in waves of mercy to a lost and hurting world; that’s God’s plan; it always has been and it always will be, and – it’s all about love.

Grace and Peace,

+Pastor Brad


Merciful, loving Father, thank you for loving me even when I am most unlovable, and for your just punishments of my sin. Help me to learn from them, and help me today to be a conduit of your love to everyone I meet. Let your waves of mercy overflow through me. Amen.

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It’s Not Luck

Waves of Mercy pentecost-1024x493May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us;
establish the work of our hands for us—

yes, establish the work of our hands.

Psalm 90:17


Do you ever ask God to establish the work of your hands? Many times we get so busy in life that even though we’re people of faith we don’t stop to recognize all our blessings, and to ask God to add His blessings. Sometimes we act like it’s just luck, but it’s not. God loves us and wants to bless us, and He wants to do great things for us, but he also wants us to remember him in the midst of what we do. It is good to pray daily, “Oh God establish the work of my hands”.

When we forget to ask God’s blessing on all we do, and all we want to accomplish in life, we take the grace of God for granted. God’s Mercy is from everlasting to everlasting, but we should never take it for granted. And, who knows how much more God May do for us and through us if we learn to acknowledge Him first in all things, and ask his blessing more often (Prov. 3:5-6).

Today, won’t you take a moment to thank God for the grace He extends to you everyday, and the waves of mercy He brings into your life. You wouldn’t be where you are today if it weren’t for his grace and mercy. And even if you’re not where you want to be, that’s all the more reason to ask God to establish the work of your hands.

Grace and Peace,

+Pastor Brad


Father of all mercy, I thank you for all you have done, and for all you are going to do. Please establish the work of my hands in your kingdom and for your glory. Amen.

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The Divine Portion

Waves of Mercy pentecost-1024x493For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace. What then? Are we to sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means!

Romans 6:14-15


Could there be a greater mercy from God than to deliver us from the dominion of sin? Some would say of course it is greater to have redeemed us. Perhaps. But still, redemption without deliverance is a difficult concept. The beautiful part of God’s plan of salvation was not just that he sent his Son to die for us, but rather that He has given us His Spirit that we might live free of sin’s grip.

St. Peter spoke of this miraculous giving of the Holy Spirit in his second epistle when he said, “…by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.” (2 Peter 1:4). It is an indescribable act of mercy that God allows us to participate in His divine nature. Think on that for a minute. Let it soak in.

Through the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit, which comes to us in all of life in waves of mercy, we can live free of sin’s dark dominion. As children of God’s grace we are to live and walk in the light of His presence. We are not to sin, but rather choose holiness. Each of us has a choice every day whether to give into sin’s temptations or to just say “No”. And, it is by God’s mercy and grace that we are enabled to say “No”.

Have you experienced this divine participation in the nature of God? If not, you can. It is the privilege of every believer by His great promise. Just open up your heart and let the waves of His mercy overwhelm you.

Grace and Peace,

+Pastor Brad


Loving, Merciful Father, thank you for stooping to our level. For loving us so much that you give us a portion in your Spirit. May it be so in me today. Amen.

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The Blessing of Blessings

Waves of Mercy pentecost-1024x493“The Lord bless you
and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.”

Numbers 6:24-26

Today I’m reminded no matter where I go or what I do, I am nothing without the blessing of God upon my life. The Levitical Blessing from the book of Numbers reminds me of His mercy. Who am I that God would shine upon me and graciously give me His peace. But, that’s the beauty of God – He loves us, even when we don’t love Him back. He can do no other, because His essence is love. The Lord’s blessing flows out to us in waves of mercy, even though we don’t deserve it. As sinners saved by grace, it is only with God’s mercy upon us that we live and move and have our being in this world.

The traditional Hebrew blessing was prayed over the people at the end of their sacrifice at the Temple service. As the priests lifted their hands to the Heavens they held their fingers in sets of two, kind of like the “live long and prosper” V Mr. Spock made with his hand in Star Trek. The priests touched their thumbs together over their heads and the blessing of God was to shine down on the people through the gap between the priest’s fingers, and the people bowed their heads out of reverence so as not to look upon the mercy of God streaming down upon them.

When I serve at funeral services I like to use this blessing at the very end of the committal of the remains. Today I will pray that prayer in a few hours from now, for a friend who died at the age of 51. It is my prayer that God’s amazing grace will indeed flow out in waves of mercy upon you today also, and as I always add to the blessing prayer – in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Grace and Peace,

+Pastor Brad


O God of grace and glory, shine down your mercy upon us today and every day. Forgive our sins and lead us in your way everlasting. Amen.

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To Forgive Is Human?

Waves of Mercy pentecost-1024x493For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

Matthew 6:14


Why is forgiveness so important? Apparently, it’s very important according to St. Matthew. In Jesus’ teachings from the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew tells us that Jesus taught our forgiving others is directly tied to our own forgiveness by our Father. At first this may not sound fair, after all, we’re not divine. We can’t be expected to be as forgiving as Jesus – or can we?

Christ forgives us through His great mercy. He gives us that which we can in no way deserve. Think about it. Do you deserve to be forgiven for ALL you’ve done wrong? I know I don’t; no one does. But in His great mercy, flowing from His heart of love, grace comes to everyone who repents.

If such mercy has been shown to you, by what reason do you withhold such mercy from others? “Because I’m human”, you say; sorry, not good enough. You see, we don’t forgive others out of our humanity, we do it out of the grace He pours into our lives. It’s in His strength that we show such love that forgives others’ sins against us.

Do you really want to let something someone else did to you be the cause of you’re not being forgiven? Jesus knows we can never be the person He died for us to be, if we hold on to such feelings; they will eat at our soul, and make us bitter. We are the conduit of His waves of mercy in this world. His mercy will flow where ever we let it. All that stands between us and the life Jesus wants for our world is our own feelings eating away at us from inside. We can make this world a better place.

Go ahead, pray these words like you mean them… “and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.”

Grace and Peace,

+Pastor Brad


O Lord Jesus Christ, son of the Living God, have mercy on me, a sinner, and teach me to have mercy on others. Amen.

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