Holy Land Pilgrimage 2017 – Day 5

What an amazing day in the Holy Land. We began in Bethlehem and ended in the City of David. We saw the Shepherd’s fields and the church dedicated to them. Then we saw the Church of the Nativity, one of the oldest churches in Christendom dating to around 325AD. After time in Bethlehem we visited the Upper Room which is in the City of David as well as the Tomb of David which has been made into a synagogue where Ultra Orthodox Jews pray and study the Torah in the presence of King David’s tomb.

Here is a link to a video of our singing in the Shepherd’s Church. Great fun singing a basilica with such great acoustics.

I will try to go back and get videos from Days 3 and 4 on which we didn’t have strong enough wi-fi to upload. More to come as I get time to upload pictures…


Pastor Brad

Holy Land Pilgrimage 2017 – Day 3 Continued

Sorry for the delay. Uploading HD over wifi has been quite slow. Here is more from Day 3.


Today (Day 4) we visited the Holy Trinity of sites in Galilee; Mt. of Beatitudes, Capernaum, and Tabgha. The scriptures come alive in these holy sites as you stand in the place where Jesus taught the highest of all thought to humanity in the Sermon on the Mount, and you hear his Words in the places of such amazing miracles. I have some teaching videos at most of these sites alos but I’m not sure when I will get time to upload them along the way.

Wifi has put us a day behind on updates but I should have more tomorrow.


Pastor Brad

Holy Land Pilgrimage 2017 – Day 3

Today has been a great day filled with deep spiritual experiences from the Sea of Galilee, Caesarea Philip in the Golan Heights, Kursi where Jesus healed the Demoniac, and Baptisms in the Jordan River. Our wifi is slower tonight and making video uploads more difficult. However, I have updated the picture gallery for you to follow along with.

Click Here for Photo Gallery

We appreciate your prayers and we are praying for you as you follow along with us in spirit.



Pastor Brad

Holy Land Pilgrimage 2017 – Day 2

We began today by visiting the ruins of the ancient city of Caesarea by the Sea. The city was built by King Herod to honor Caeser the Roman Emperor, and to be the seat of Roman power in Palestine. We spent time in the Roman theater, and Hippodrome as well as the ruins of Herod’s summer palace and the old city ruins in which once housed the home of Cornelius (Acts 10), and where St. Paul was held in prison for over 2 years.

Below is a video of our singing in the Roman theater. You can hear how amazing the acoustics are. The children playing on the stage behind us are just about as loud and clear as our voices in up in the seats; all done with a natural amplification. I’m not a sound engineer but it’s amazing to me how well the sound carries there.


In this second video we heard the Word of the Lord from Acts 10 about Peter and Cornelius. We gentiles gather as Christians in the Holy Land precisely because God showed His great love for all the world by offering not only salvation to the gentiles but even the gift of being baptized with the Holy Spirit.

These are only a few of our high lights. Please look for more exciting updates tomorrow as we sail on the Sea of Galilee!


Pastor Brad


Preparing for Pilgrimage

Here are some thoughts I have while preparing for our Holy Land Pilgrimage next week. Follow along with us next week as I share thoughts from our Holy Land experience.


Pastor Brad

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecsY8m5drK4?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&autohide=2&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent]


Preparing for Pilgrimage

Here are some thoughts I have while preparing for our Holy Land Pilgrimage next week. Follow along with us next week as I share thoughts from our Holy Land experience.


Pastor Brad


A Very Merry Adoption

Day 16

A Countdown to Listening to Jesus in the land of the Bible

And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.

Luke 2:6-7 KJV

nativity-iconIn seven hours from the time of this writing (9AM CST) it will be midnight in Bethlehem. Crowds will fill Manger Square outside the Church of the Nativity which was built over the place of Jesus’ birth; the oldest church in Christendom. And, in 17 days we will be on our way to the Holy Land where we too will worship in the place of Jesus’ birth. I want to invite all my readers to follow our pilgrimage as we post video clips of our time in Israel on my website, bradrileyministries.com.

Today is Christmas Eve, a day when most of the world, for one reason or another, stop to remember the birth of Jesus Christ. Even those who don’t worship Christ as Lord stop to remember the love they share with family and friends by giving gifts and having a special time of fellowship together. By celebrating Christmas, even in a secular way, they are acknowledging the greatest gift ever given.

Can you imagine, the birth of anyone causing the whole world to stop and celebrate? No other person has made that kind of impact – only Jesus has. The birth of Jesus is recognized by all the world because the life of Jesus was greater than any other person who ever lived or will ever live. No other person gave such love or taught his followers to not only love each other, but to love their enemies as well.

Today as you prepare to celebrate with your loved ones, as you bake your goodies and cook your festive dinners, would you pause for a moment to remember those who are alone in this world? For many people Christmas is a reminder of how alone they are. Many are alone because this is the first Christmas since a loved one died. Still others are alone because they are homeless, or have no family near. Perhaps you are one of the lonely? Whatever the reason for yours or their aloneness, I know a family who wants to adopt you into their family this year.

Two thousand years ago, a lonely couple far from home found themselves homeless, in need of shelter and about to give birth to a child. That birth made all the difference for the whole world, and it can make difference for you today if you will open your heart and invite the love of that Holy Family to adopt you today.

To each of you I pray a very Merry Christmas, but more than that a very merry adoption.

Day 16 has begun…


Pastor Brad

image credit: https://ancientanswers.org/tag/birth-of-christ/


What, No Food?

Day 25

A Countdown to Listening to Jesus in the land of the Bible

Jesus said to them, “I have food to eat that you don’t know about.” … Jesus said to them, “I am fed by doing the will of the one who sent me and by completing his work.

John 4:32,34 CEB

feastingUnfortunately, no one has to remind me to stop and eat. It’s more like they have remind me to stop eating. Food has always been a joyful thing to me. I have fond memories of home cooked meals growing up. My mother was a fantastic cook. In scripture, we find the concept of feasting through the Old and New Testaments. In fact, it’s the central theme of our redemption story. One day we will all feast with Jesus around the table at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Rev. 19:9). Each time we as Christians celebrate the Holy Eucharist (Communion), we are pointing to the great feast of the Lamb that will be the consummation of all feasting.

While scripture does have a lot to say about feasting, it also has much to say about fasting. Sometimes filling ourselves isn’t just about eating food. That’s what Jesus meant in John 4 when He said He had a kind of food that his disciples didn’t know about. You know that feeling you get from the satisfaction of knowing your work was a job well done? That feeling fills us to a point of satisfaction such that we don’t need anything else – sometimes, not even food. For Jesus, nothing was more satisfying than knowing He was doing the will of the Father.

Fasting, which is denying ourselves of food or other elements for a specified time that we may concentrate more fully on God and His Word, letting that fill us. When we begin to concentrate on Christ and His will for us we begin to see Him accomplish great things in and through us. Our upcoming pilgrimage is about taking time to do just that, concentrate on Jesus and His Word as we relive His story in His land.

Pilgrimage is about fasting and feasting. I would encourage each of you to begin fasting in some measure as you prepare to leave over the next 25 days. And to my readers, you too can begin fasting as you prepare to follow along with us. Fasting prepares us for great things from God.

As we step into the Holy Land in just 25 more days, a great feast will begin. We will be literally sitting at the table with Christ and His Holy Spirit as we fellowship and learn in the Land of the Bible. Believe me, the feasting that lies ahead of you on this pilgrimage is like a food you nothing about.

Day 25 has begun…


Pastor Brad

image credit: http://www.desiringgod.org/articles/feasting-on-thanksgiving

Supper’s Almost Ready

What Will You Bring to the Pool?

Day 26

A Countdown to Listening to Jesus in the land of the Bible

A certain man was there who had been sick for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there, knowing that he had already been there a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?”

John 5:5-6 CEB

bethesda-416x312Think of something you really want. Now, how much do you really want it? It had always been a dream of mine to go to Israel, to walk in Jesus footsteps. I wanted to hear Him say to me the words He said to others in scripture. I wanted to put myself in their place. That is a great part of pilgrimage, to put yourself into the time and space where Christ lived, where He walked and talked, and worked so many miracles.

I remember standing by the ruins of the pool of Bethsaida where Jesus healed the man who’d been sick for 38 years. We don’t know his age or what was wrong with him exactly. Perhaps he was sick from something he’d done, or as the consequence of some sin. We don’t know. What we do know is that he hadn’t always been that way. And we know that he longed to be healed. 38 years is a long time to be carried out by someone and placed by the pool in hopes of being healed.

Jesus, being God, never asked a question he didn’t already know the answer to. So, when he asked the man if he wanted to get well, Jesus knew that he did. His 38 years by the pool demonstrated that. But how much did he want healing? Would he be willing to obey whatever Jesus told him to do? When Jesus told him to get up and walk, being a Jew, he knew that was to break a Sabbath law. But being in the presence of God, and hearing Jesus command, he knew he must; it was his moment for healing. God had heard his prayers of all the years.

As we journey to the Holy Land, we will visit the pool of Bethsaida. When I was there, I remember thinking of all things I wish I’d done different in life, things for which I too wanted healing. Healing is for more than just our physical bodies, it’s for our spirits, and emotions as well.

What will you bring with you to the pool? As you look in to the ancient ruins and think of how so many came there for healing, remember that the one who created the world stood there one day and brought the greatest healing of all. There isn’t any water in the pool anymore, but Jesus didn’t need the waters of the pool to heal the man that day. What will you bring to the pool? The only thing you need to bring – is faith.

Day 26 has begun…


Pastor Brad

image credit: http://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/biblical-sites-places/jerusalem/the-bethesda-pool-site-of-one-of-jesus%E2%80%99-miracles/

What To Pack For Your Trip to the Swimming Pool